Supriya Verma ‘13
Faculty of Science
Supriya Verma has been recognized internationally by Corporate Knights as Canada’s Top 30 Under 30 in Sustainability Leadership and has been identified by them as Super Seven of her TOP30U30 cohort working on solutions to help build back better from the pandemic and beyond. Now as Director, Product Management & PR at Belnor, she manages sustainability/EDI strategies and development, diversification, production, and manufacturing of Belnor’s native products and services. Out of her sustainability passion, she is actively engaged in several simultaneous social entrepreneurial ventures, successfully founding the digital SustainabilityX.Co: The SustainabilityX™ Magazine, and conscious consumerism brands like The Sustainabilista™. Supriya also advises major green federal policy & business policy initiatives to BuildBackBetter with a GreenRecovery from COVID-19 and leads youth conversations for a SustainabilityTransition with a JustRecovery from COVID-19, focusing on links between climate and equity, and diversity in the workforce, developing sustainable, inclusive public and corporate policy to fight climate and racial injustices.