- July 17,2019-

Do you prefer tea or coffee? Both? Why?


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Your answers

Both--coffee in the a:m and tea in the afternoon. My body likes it that way--especially the tummy. Herbal teas are for the evening, otherwise my sleep is hampered by the tannins.
I like both but I like my tea with milk and sugar, whereas I like coffee with milk OR sugar or even black - so I tend to drink more coffee to avoid the sugar. Downside is it makes me pee almost immediately! TMI, I know.
Coffee unless I have a cold. A cup of ginger tea is best for that.
My initial preference is tea: all kinds of tea. I personally find it lighter and more refreshing. I recently found myself just not liking even my two cups of coffee I used to have in the morning. My girlfriend gifted me a tin of English Breakfast tea for my birthday, so I decided to completely quit coffee and drink only tea. Which I have done faithfully. English Breakfast or raspberry cranberry first thing, and then green tea and vanilla rooibos for the rest of the day. However, I must admit that I have enjoyed a couple of Timmie's iced coffees recently with the very hot weather.
Tea! Especially lemon and/or blacks like earl grey. Because I can't stand the smell or flavour of coffee
tea, always tea. She was a classmate in grade 12 chemistry; I was passing, she was failing. She was cute, so I offered to tutor her. 2 hours a week in a coffee shop over countless cups of tea.
I prefer coffee, because we never had tea at our house. Tea was never even considered. My first taste of tea was after my seventeenth birthday.
I prefer coffee....cafe latte in the morning and black coffee with dessert. Have the occasional herbal tea in the afternoon.
I used to only drink tea when I lived in Canada. Then I continued drinking tea when I moved to England. Thereafter, I got used to Espresso on the Continent and actually prefer that over tea today. I have also acquired a taste for herbal teas - or infusions as they prefer to call them - because they are based on plants rather then leaves.
Coffee! During the week, it's strong dark roasts. On weekends, I treat myself to a flavoured coffee, made with beans purchased from a vendor at Hamilton Market downtown. Yum....however, I do enjoy a lavender earl grey tea sometimes.
Bodum Coffee - fresh beans every morning, the stronger the better gets the mojo going!
Double shot espresso, black - administered multiple times per day. Why? I just like it. I also like a nice green tea from time to time.
Coffee. Kona!!!!! OK, maybe it is the trip to Hawaii to get more. I even recruit friends to pick it up for me if they are going to the Big Island.
I prefer tea because it is relaxing and comes in a variety of fragrances.
Tea. My poor angry stomach can't handle coffee :(
Ha! A trickier question than it seems! I never drank coffee until a few years ago, never, but then I developed a taste for it. Sometimes flavoured coffee, and always with cream, and always before mid-afternoon! But tea has been the staple beverage in my family for generations, and I love a good cuppa. Lapsang Soochong, black, no sugar is my preference. Or Earl Grey. Anytime!
Tea is preferred for its natural taste.
Coffee! My favourite is iced coffee especially during the summer!! Although I do like tea sometimes as well!!
Before kids I was a tea drinker. After kids I converted to coffee. For me, I love the smell and taste of coffee. Being able to drink a hot coffee means me time to enjoy a simple pleasure.
Coffee in the morning. Must have. More of a chemical fix. Tea in the afternoon. Not sure why. Maybe to temper my coffee addiction.
Given a choice between the two, I prefer coffee, but I'll happily drink either. My parents were British, so I used to drink tea out of a sippy cup!! The coffee I discovered on my own.
Tea, & only real tea not herbal, is always the best!
Coffee; with sugar and cream I find that it is a good appetite suppresent. On the job, coffee breaks were a symbol of workers' rights.
I prefer tea just slightly more than coffee, which I never drink! I do not need caffeine, luckily. More money in my bank account than in the coffee emporiums of the world!
I have always associated tea-drinking with little old ladies, so now that I am 85, I drink nothing but coffee in public (well, other than wine) !
Both, but not any coffee or tea: a Mexican Maragogype or a Moka Yirgacheffe and a Darjeeling first flush or a Wu Long... Nothing else will do!
Both, but at different times of day. I drink coffee in the morning to start my day and then tea throughout the day when I am thirsty. Basically I am living on a steady caffeine flow.
It is totally contextual - nothing like a cup of hot tea first thing in the morning; also, nothing like a frothy cappuccino at the end of a great meal with good friends. in a hot summer day, a glass of green tea with mint is wonderful and what about hot chocolate??? This is so healing when coming inside from a walk in crisp winter weather or when dealing with a difficult life circumstance. Tea r coffee? SO difficult to choose, but in the end, I go right back to my steaming cuppa -memories of my root I guess.
Tea - less of a caffeine kick. Drank too much coffee in my youth.
I like both. I think I prefer tea more but drink more coffee just out of habit. Tea has a a cleaner finish but I also like the bold flavours of rich coffees.
Most definitely tea. I've never liked the taste or smell of coffee.
Both. Need to have McD's coffee in the morning. But after that it's chai or orange pekoe tea. I suppose it's addiction. But they both have some cafeine. A bad habit?
I love coffee but I am British so tea is in my blood. My passion for coffee is more curiosity in the whole process - from farm to cup. I've traveled to tea plantations and have witnessed the process, but I have yet to have that depth for coffee. I have started to source my coffee beans ethically and roast them myself though, so that just keeps my passion alive.
Both of course depending on where I am. Some places have terrible coffee so I order tea. Tea is healthier so I’ve been drinking more tea than coffee unless travelling to Italy or France.
Our morning starts with tea, possibly because it is easier on the empty stomach, but coffee dominates the rest of the day, just a habit formed early in our marriage.
Coffee! Better smell, more caffeine on average.
I like both. I spent 10 years not being able to drink coffee because of severe gastric upsets, so I developed a taste for teas of many different kinds. After some years the problems with coffee disappeared (miraculously), So, I now drink either as the mood may dictate.
I prefer coffee because coffee wakes me up and gives me energy.
Lattes made with espresso. If that's not available, then tea.
Both. It depends on my mood but I take them both black after many years of polluting them with sugar and milk. There is something comforting about a hot beverage no matter what the outside temperature is.
I prefer a good cup of coffee in the morning to help start the day, an espresso after diner to help digest my food and a herbal teas throughout the day.
Tea. Sometimes coffee if its good quality
Definitely a tea drinker, with a preference for Earl Grey. I have had, maybe, three cups of coffee in my life. Each time with an elderly neighbour that has offered a cup. I accepted so as not to discourage an opportunity to chat.
Tea! It is a family tradition and as an Englishman it reminds me of the Boston Tea Party.
Tea--it's my British background at work, and coffee gives me a stomach ache.
Coffee from different parts of the world. Always a dark, bold roast because the flavours are unique and subtly different.
I occasionally drink tea but most of the time I drink coffee. I guess because it is a stimulant . However, if I am not feeling well or have a cold I drink tea.
Tea and it has a Mac connection. I used to drink coffee regularly until one day I felt ill in class at Mac and had to leave to go the Infirmary. I was sure I was having appendicitis. After a few questions to determine what I had to eat-nothing-drink coffee, it was determined that was the culprit. Remembering the pain, i swore off coffee.
Coffee, because it reminds me of McMaster. Tea is just warm water.
Neither, unless I'm playing in an early morning slow pitch game and it's cold...then a little coffee with my baileys works!
Coffee. Simply, I prefer the taste. I find that if I drink tea too much I get sick of it quickly. On top of that, drinking tea feels more like drinking hot water than does drinking coffee, so it's also boring.
I can’t drink either. How I’ve made it through nursing shift work is a miracle... Water for me!
I prefer coffee probably more so because my parents drank it. I only seem to crave tea when I have a cold or sore throat.
This is a weird question however perhaps you'll explain why you asked it next week. I cannot stomach coffee or the smell even. My grandma gave me coffee at 3 and 4 yrs of age when she babysat and I have always hated it.I did drink a lot of tea for years and many different kinds of tea from many parts of the world. however when I quit smoking I really didn't care for it anymore at least not like I used to. I still drink it but mostly now its herbal teas. There re some great ones. Why is this interesting???
Neither coffee or tea, espresso all the way. One in the morning and the second one at 2:00 pm. There is a certain finesse in making the perfect shot. The beans have to ground to a certain coarseness, the grinds have to be tamped at a certain weight (30lbs) and the espresso machine has to be at the right temperature. The cream that is created on top of the espresso cup is so thick that it is almost bulletproof. The perfect shot is when the sugar sits on top of the cream for almost forever and then slowly sinks through the bottom of the cup. The espresso is enjoyed in a very brief moment, but at that moment it is amazing! Espresso gives you wings!! Espresso all the way!
Coffee in the morning as a jolt to wake me up. Tea in the afternoon to relax.
Prefer coffee in the morning and at lunch. It gets me going in the morning and I enjoy the richer bolder more substantial taste of coffee. However, I do like Earl Grey tea in the late afternoon sometimes or green tea if I have a cold. Tea seems soothing if you're not well or frazzled. At Mac, I would not have survived without my daily dozen coffee, and especially when working on a paper, or at exam time!
I prefer tisanes (herbal teas). I avoid caffeine. My favourite is rooibos, a red tea from Africa.
Both actually, I like all flavors and foods that life has to offer :)
Coffee in the morning, and tea any other time. Just habit.
Coffee in the AM to get me going. Tea in the evening to settle me down.
Both tickle my innards first thing in the day. But a skillfully-made cappuccino stands out as the best waker-upper.
Tea and only green tea. Coffee?? No thanks . If I need to wake up, I’ll take a shower!!
Wine and the reason should be obvious.
I never drink coffee (although I love Coffee Crisp!) and very rarely drink tea. It's just that I sort of forget about it. What a good idea - I'll make myself a cup now!
One coffee in bed every morning starts the day. Always with milk & sugar....comfort drink! Tea was certainly the choice for my British parents to cure & provide comfort, but I never loved it as much as they did.
Prefer tea with milk and some sugar as a daytime or later in the day/evening beverage, and coffee straight up in the morning or during the day in an office setting. If it is a drive through or sit down coffee shop, it is almost always steeped tea or tea as is available.
I used to love tea - switched to coffee when I lived in Kitchener and all the cups had a shimmering film inside - with coffee ever since - but tea is still sick food!!
It was Christmas Day 1958. I was sitting on my uncle's knee at the table. I asked for a sip of his coffee. It was instant love at first taste. The love affair has continue for over sixty years and is still going strong. I only drink water or coffee. Nothing else!
Never thought about it - but in truth - neither!
Only coffee - strong, and black as your proverbial boot! Tea needs sweetening and adding milk to make it drinkable, which defeats the taste of what comes out of the pot.. My Anglo-Saxon ancestors can be as ashamed of me as they like, but my first love is coffee (hot chocolate runs a distant second).
One coffee in the morning and a pot of tea after dinner in the evening. Mostly water the rest of the day.
Coffee. Not sure why just habit I guess.
Both, tea for hydration and coffee for its taste.
Coffee is my day-time beverage. Tea is my evening relaxation beverage. My small act of rebellion is to order Starbucks coffee (which is very good) but refuse to use their jargon. Medium black coffee. Never a grande mocha flippa frappe chino. Thinking of tea just took me back to A1 in the basement of the Engineering Building where the Chem Eng class used to hang out. I would often have a cup of English Breakfast or Earl Grey with the Killer Guppy. (not her real name)
I prefer tea. I do drink both. I prefer tea because I drink both black and tea is not as strong and has less caffeine. Usually I will have one coffee per day, mid-afternoon for a little pick up.
Neither! Never got hooked on caffeine, and never plan to.
I can’t start my day without coffee, and if there’s an opportunity for a break I may have another cup or two as the day progresses. As long as it’s fresh and hot, I enjoy most coffee blends. However, after 3:00 pm I switch to tea if I want to sleep that night. My tea tastes have changed—I used to be an orange pekoe girl, but now I am more apt to choose a chai blend, or something herbal or fruity.
Coffee. Prefer the taste of tea, but need coffee to stay awake.
I am a coffee snob. I own a B&B. One great acclaim is to brew an awesome cuppa. I don't disappoint. And I love to create my own combos...Guests love Avonview Manor, Stratford. (BTW, there are two tea sommeliers in town, who I plan to visit in near future as well!)
I prefer tea
I do not drink tea or coffee (or any caffeinated beverages for that matter) even though they are both delicious. I work shifts and my sleep time is too valuable. I stick to water, juice, almond milk, scotch whisky and beer!
Tea. Tried coffee in university but it made me hyper. Have been drinking mostly tea since. No aftertaste. More calming, relaxing and has a nicer ritual of preparation.
Coffee....tea lacks the punch, even when the coffee is decaf. Growing up in New York, tea was definitely not the drink of choice
Tea! Life doesn’t get any better than a hot cup of tea, a square of dark chocolate, and a good book.
Coffee, black, strong (as strong as possible). I have made many attempts to drink tea but have always found them to be weak and diluted. No oily texture that I get from coffee (unfiltered or through a reusable metal filter).
I love coffee in the morning. Tea is for afternoon and evening.
I prefer coffee, tea doesn't do anything for me, and I prefer my coffee strong with milk no cream
I prefer tea - only because coffee tends to make me feel sick. People are always shocked that I made it through grad school without getting hooked on coffee.
Coffee, purely out of habit from working days.
Coffee during the day and tea in the evening. Coffee is better for reading the newspaper, tea for mysteries
Neither!! Maybe a hot chocolate sometimes...not a hot beverage person....but I love beer!
Tea!! I don't like the taste of coffee :P won't even eat a mocha cake or chocolate.
coffee ... can add cream
I only drink tea and mainly herbal due to many health issues with caffeinated drinks. Rooibos is my favourite. I grew up in a house of tea drinkers as we are all British born. I have never drank coffee and don't like anything coffee flavoured, but I love the smell of it.
Although I thoroughly enjoy a proper cup of tea, my daily Go To remains coffee. Why? I find that because I am on the road a lot, it is harder for people to S&$W up a cup of coffee than tea. It seems to be a challenge for people to make a proper cup of tea. Plus, coffee goes well with a shot of Bailey's at the cottage!
I like both in moderation but who gives is important to me, I do not drink alcohol but I like a good bartender for my drinks.
Tea all the way! It's a comfort thing, for the most part. I was told just before I went off to Mac that I'd grow to love coffee. Still can't stand the smell, much less the taste. I started at Mac just over 20 years ago now. :)
Both are delicious, I drink coffee in the morning because the aroma helps to get me going. Tea is then my afternoon drink of choice.
Tea!! Tea is delicious, and coffee is bitter and horrible.
Both. I love that first cup of coffee in the morning. But in the evening nothing beats a nice cup of tea and dipping social tea biscuits in it.
Coffee in the morning.Tea with the evening meal.A habit that is hard to break.Very enjoyable.
A latte is a treat and a ritual that greets me every day. It inspires and invigorates and prepares me for whatever the day holds. Herbal tea soothes me when the day goes awry or even when it goes just as planned. So both!
Can't stand coffee. I made it to third year university drinking only milk. My friends decided I was socially unacceptable so we experimented and settled on weak tea for social situations. That was a lllooonngg time ago, but I still prefer milk!
Coffee in the morning for a jolt. Tea (herbal) at night to wind down. The perfect compromise.
Coffee. It was ages before I realised that tea could be drunk weak, without sugar or milk, which is how I can tolerate it, so I got into the coffee habit.
I like espresso in the morning to wake me up and tea in the pm to calm me down, with a crumpet, biscuit or cookie.
Tea, mostly for when I am sick and I find it tastes better with some honey
We only had tea at home when I was growing up, so I discovered coffee after starting to work. While tea offers comfort for me as it reminds me of home and especially my grandmas, there is nothing like the smell of coffee brewing in the morning ( except during the 1st trimester of my pregnancies)
Coffee, I just need my caffeine
Coffee. It was the drink of choice when I was a kid at home. That's not to say I avoid tea; a good cup Earl Grey is always welcome.
I start my workday morning with a travel mug of Tetley tea on my way to work. But then it's a large coffee with milk from McDonald's to get me through the morning.
I prefer tea because coffee makes me sleep!
Black tea. Any time. All the time :-)
Coffee for a kickstart, tea for relaxation!
Need my 1 cup of joe in the morning to jolt me up for a new day. Tea in the afternoon. Very civilized.
Both, depending on the time of day.
Coffee, mostly just habit
In the morning or when I'm drowsy I prefer coffee. At other times or for hydration purpose - tea.
I love coffee but was brought up on tea. Born in England, I drank sweet milky tea from the age of 2. Brew times were breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, mid-afternoon, tea, mid-evening, and before bed. Such indoctrination leaves one either hooked for life or sick of it. Now, I can drink a cup of tea if forced but my current beverage is black coffee which I drink almost non-stop throughout the day. I seem to be caffeine impervious and it does not affect my sleep.
Tea please! So many blends and choices, hot or iced. The kettle is put to boil upon the arrival of any guest; often therapeutic just to make ??
Coffee. LOVE the taste and crispness of it when you drink it. Tea makes me fall asleep; very soothing.
I love a cup of coffee in the morning with breakfast and the paper, green tea at lunch after a workout and espresso around 4pm to round out the afternoon, preferably while sitting outside.
Neither. I don't like the taste of either and have a caffeine sensitivity. And I'm just not that into hot drinks except the occasional hot cider or hot chocolate in the winter.
Neither! I prefer Rum, Beer, Vodka, Gin, Wine, Coolers, Ciders, etc.
Tea. I used to drink a lot of coffee. I developed a duodenal ulcer and was told to stop drinking coffee. In combination with other dietary, health-related and lifestyle changes I recovered well, but I have abstained from coffee since then.
Love both but at different times of the day. Coffee in the morning (though I am reducing my intake to one cup) and tea after dinner with a biscuit. If I am under the weather, then tea only! And just tea....no milk!
I’m almost 59 and never had a coffee. Don’t like the smell of it. Tea once in awhile, but generally don’t enjoy hot beverages.
Coffee!!!!! Love the taste and can’t function without it in the morning. Also a comfort-type drink for me.
I prefer a nice cup of coffee. Tea reminds me of being sick. Also, if I ever buy it at the store, I feel it's very overpriced for a cup of hot water.
Neither. Coffee is way too bitter (unless you add 10 sugars...but then it should no longer be considered coffee); and tea is simply hot water with a very tiny bit of taste. A glass of apple juice in the morning for me, thanks!
I usually have coffee n the morning and tea in the afternoon. I am not sure why, but I guess it's just a habit,
I first developed a taste for coffee as an exchange student in Brazil--tiny espresso size cups so I admit a lingering preference for coffee, but I have fond memories of the little ceramic animals my Grandmother used to give me from her Red Rose tea boxes and Decaf Earl Grey is my evening go to.
Hands down, COFFEE! My immediate go to in the morning
Tea. Hands down. I make my own chai every morning and in my opinion there is just nothing better or more soothing. It's essentially a hug in a cup.
Coffee in the morning tea in the afternoon. Why? Routine. Coffee makes me feel alive and tea makes me feel calm.
My preference is tea especially herbal tea. Coffee was my breakfast drink of choice in my late teens and while I love the smell, I no longer enjoy it. I find tea relaxing and I reminisce about the days when my grandmother made a ceremony of drawing tea from the leaves, it was always a time to sit and talk and wind down.
Tea always. I like a cappuccino or cortado later. I’m Scottish so always drink tea morning and evening (herbal in evening - calming effect).
I have never had a cup of coffee in my life. I have just started warming up to the idea of tea (I'm 45).
Coffee in the morning, tea in the evening!

See you next week for more answers!


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